Introducing The StarPals Series Books
& Associated Products
The StarPals inspire and encourage children & parents to play the virtue game
by offering nine different opportunities to apply virtues in their every day lives.
Each child can track their accomplishments on The StarPals Treasure Chart
to promote self-empowerment, creativity and fun at each and every moment!
Fill the entire Treasure Chart with stars, and earn the I Am a StarPal Accountability Button!
Set Price $50
Dedicated by Author
(includes 1 Treasure Chart)
Individual Book $10
Dedicated by Author
Cell Phone: 949-230-4047

Patty Patience The first book of The StarPals Series, is the embodiment of the virtue patience. She enthusiastically invites you to be her StarPal and play the Patience game.
1. Buckled safely in our seats and being patience in the car.
2. Baby brother patient in the grocery cart.
3. Helping Mom with the child size cart
4. Being patient while Mom puts baby brother down for a nap
5. Helping Mom put away boxes and cans in pantry
6. Mom’s on the phone, patiently drawing with baby brother
7. Playing game/singing in car to pass time
8. Waiting in line
9. Going to bed happy and on time

Korey Kindness The second book of The StarPals Series, is the embodiment of the virtue kindness. He enthusiastically invites you to be his StarPal and play the Kindness game.
1. Make room for someone to have a seat on the bus
2. Calming bully situation and playing kindly together
3. Cleaning room/putting away toys after playtime
4. Kind to Earth, cleaning up litter and recycling
5. Sharing flowers with Mom
6. Softly wiping baby sisters face after dinner
7. Holding open door for someone
8. Being quiet and respectful at dinner
9. Wishing baby sister good night sleep

Haley Humble The third book of The StarPals Series, is the embodiment of the virtue humility. She enthusiastically invites you to be her StarPal and play the Humble game.
1. Helping cousin study for math test
2. Congratulating her for earning an A
3. Planting tree and appreciating the Earth
4. Wining poster contest & quietly placing in scrapbook
5. Teamwork with cousin, helping Mom wash dishes
6. Helping Dad clean garage
7. Finding toys no longer use
8. Giving toys to another child
9. Playing StarPals board game to practice virtues

Tommy Truth The third book of The StarPals Series, is the embodiment of the virtue honesty. He enthusiastically invites you to be his StarPal and play the Truthful game.
1. Conserving water after playtime
2. Being honest about snacks, being health conscious
3. Brushing teeth before bedtime
4. Accidently wet bed, ask for help
5. Broke window when at play, being responsible & pay to fix it.
6. Finding money and asking who it belongs to
7. Finish homework, celebrate by playing basketball with Dad
8. Being honest during a contest
9. Being responsible to Earth when noticing a smoldering fire after camp

Shari Sharing The fourth book of The StarPals Series, is the embodiment of the virtue sharing. She enthusiastically invites you to be her StarPal and play the Sharing game.
1. Show and Tell
2. Walking home sharing friendship
3. Sharing personal things you cherish with others
4. Sharing the love of taking care of animals
5. Planting pretty flowers and sharing beauty
6. Creating fun experiences with puppet show
7. Drawing something nice for Mom, Dad or siblings
8. Sharing on the playground when it is busy
9. Writing to a friend and sharing highlights of your life

Tobey Thankful The sixth book of The StarPals Series, is the embodiment of the virtue thankful. He enthusiastically invites you to be his StarPal and play the Thankful game.
1. Treasure Chart full of stars
2. Rewarding accomplishments of good deeds with something creative
3. Writing a thank you note to others who inspire you
4. Using talent and gifts to help others
5. Saving money and giving to charity
6. Being thankful for Mother Earth and a beautiful day
7. Celebrating fundraising efforts and giving big check to charity
8. Taking turns sharing what we are thankful for with family
9. Before bedtime, reflecting on what we are thankful for each night

Livey Love The seventh book of The StarPals Series, is the embodiment of the virtue love. She enthusiastically invites you to be her StarPal and play the Love game.
1. Creative playtime: draw, color, crafts, bake with Mom
2. Time with nature, appreciating the trees, birds singing, bees buzzing
3. Sharing & listening with family about what we love
4. Collaborating with others to make the world a better place
5. Giving healthy food and drink to our body
6. Listing and appreciating the sounds of nature while we fall asleep
7. Imagination and creativity with friends
8. Hop, skip, laugh and sing with family & friends
9. Dream big about what we would love to do and find something every day that works toward that goal.

Treasure Chart
Track and acknowledge accomplishments to promote self-empowerment, creativity and fun in our everyday lives!

Accountability Button
Fill the entire Treasure Chart with stars and earn the I Am a Starpal Accountability Button!