The StarPals Special Care Series
Introduce Patty Patience & Frank Granett
StarPals Patty Patience
After hearing a recent radio interview with Frank Granett, (click here to listen)
we are officially ready to introduce The StarPals Special Care Series.
Each StarPal will focus on opportunities to bring the most effective and efficient solutions to parents, caregivers and doctors by collaborating with experts in the field.
Together, Frank Granett & Patty Patience share the top 9 areas for immediate focus to bring about the greatest results with the most effective impact!
Patty Patience Autism/ADHD/ADD available for PreOrder, click here:
For immediate access to begin the steps to liberating a child NOW click here:
for Childhood Behavioral Conditions
Frank Granett
ADHD Expert Advisor
Helping Parents help their children
with behavioral conditions
Frank Granett, RPh is a Board Certified Pharmacist with over 24 years of consultative Pharmacy experience, specializing in Attention Deficit Disorder and Psic medications. He is the author of the book Over Medicating Our Youth: The Public Awareness Guide for A.D.D. and Psychiatric Medications
America's children consume over three times as many Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Psychiatric drugs than the rest of the world's children combined, according to data collected by Scientific American.
During the last fifteen years the greatest percentage of increase in drug consumption and death due to adverse effects was in the child population, age 4 - 18. These are statistics that jeopardize the health and well being of our next generation if not immediately addressed. The prescribing of stimulant and psychiatric medications in children prior to ruling out nutritional, physiological, and environmental causation to their behavioral conditions must be reformed.
The Coalition Against Overmedicating Our Youth (CAOOY) advocates the prudent use of drug therapy, only after comprehensive clinical bio-assessments, as discussed in the book Over Medicating Our Youth, have been performed. If drug therapy is warranted, visit our Ask The Pharmacist page to receive free medication consultation to ensure safe protocols are followed.