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Introduction to The StarPals Series Author


Book Writing and Marketing Acceleration Coach

Kimberlee Schultz, Author of The StarPals Books Series


Have you ever asked yourself the famous Ghandi quote “How can I BE the change that I wish to see in this world?”

For two years, the first thought upon awakening was “How can I be hands and feet for our Creator?”  It was a deep, compassionate and authentic plea to be in service to others. 

On August 1st 2008, while out running on the beach, I heard God say “I need to speak to My Children, ALL OF MY CHILDREN”.  It was a very profound experience that was filled with empathy, tears and a sense of urgency.   I nodded in agreement to do whatever it took to fulfill my part in this humbling journey.

Three days later while driving to work I was pondering the concept of unity.  Many speak of our interrelation, how we are all are part of the same Divine fabric, but what does applying unity look like?  The message “If I Am You, and You are Me, then why would I want to hurt another Me?” spoke loud and clear.    If a perceived act of negativity challenged me, I had a choice to acknowledge that a positive response had a greater impact on myself and others.  “How can we BE the change we wish to see?”

Later that evening, it was time for the weekly coaching call with Stella Togo.  At that moment we were working on a book about my personal spiritual journey intending to inspire others to go within to find their soul’s passion.  When I shared the message from earlier that day, Stella was silent.  She then apologized for the distraction from our current focus and politely said “this is a children’s book.”  I agreed.



Moments after we finished our call, a vision poured through of seven characters based on seven virtues and The StarPals were conceived in a flash of light.

During the next four years The Seven StarPals were born one by one.  It was and continues to be an amazing experience to serve as a loving parent who provides the support and environment for The StarPals to grow and share their inspiring message with ALL children.

It is truly an honor to BE the change we wish to see in our world.  May we inspire/ empower each other to walk in integrity/authenticity/accountability/transparency and build/strengthen/promote the love and compassion within us ALL. 

In Compassionate Service,
Kimberlee Schultz & The StarPals Team 

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